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To the right you will find the registration links for NEW students for the 2025-2026 school year.  Please review all the information on the page below BEFORE beginning the online registration. 

This registration form ONLY needs to be completed if your child is NOT currently enrolled at a GISD campus. Students moving between PreK, Elementary, Middle School and High Schools within GISD are automatically enrolled in the proper school for the following year. 

All campus registrations will be completed online. After students have registered online, campus registrars will communicate with parents if any further required information or documentation is needed to complete the process.  

If you have any questions regarding registration for the upcoming school year, please contact your assigned school listed on the directory. 


Entrance Age Requirements


Children Age 4 by September 1. Children who have attained their fourth birthday prior to September 1 may enroll and attend a voluntary developmental readiness Pre-kindergarten program (4Y) subject to program screening procedures.

Children Age 3 - 4 with Disabilities. Young children evaluated and found eligible for preschool special education services under Part B of the IDEA, including children transitioning from Part C of the IDEA, may enroll and begin receiving special education services in an early childhood program (3Y4Y) as early as the first school day after the child turns three.

A "school-age person" means a person who is at least five (5) years of age prior to 12:01 a.m. on September 1 of the school year.

High School:
A person who has not received a high school diploma or its equivalent or who has not reached the person's twenty-second birthday on the first day of the school year may enter high school.



Out of Attendance Zone / Out of District Enrollment

  • If you currently live in a GISD school attendance area and want your child to attend a different GISD school than the one they are assigned, please complete the Transfer Request Form – In District.

Transfer Request Form - In District

  • If you currently live OUTSIDE the GISD school attendance area (i.e. Las Cruces, El Paso, out of state, etc) and want your child to attend a GISD school than the one they are assigned, please complete the Transfer Request Form – Out of District.

Transfer Request Form - Out of District

Student Admission Requirements

Persons seeking to enroll a child or youth (except homeless child or youth) in the Gadsden Independent School District for the first time, in grades kindergarten through grade 12, shall be required to produce documentation affirming the following conditions set below.

Proof of Age

  • Proof of Age:  A “school-age person” is defined as a person who is at least five years of age prior to 12:01 a.m. on September 1 of the school year and who has not received a high school diploma or its equivalent and who has not reached the person's twenty-second birthday on the first day of the school year”

    Documentation that may be used to establish a child’s age includes:

Proof of Age Documents

Documentos de Prueba de Edad

Birth Certificate – original certified copy (may not be copied by the school) Acta de nacimiento-debe ser copia original certificada (no puede ser fotocopiada por la escuela)
A Notarized Affidavit of Review of a Certified New Mexico Birth
Certificate (for a copy of the Affidavit please see Board Policy Exhibit JFEA)

Una acta notariada de la revision del certificado de nacimiento ( para obtener una copia del acta notarida por favor de consultar Prueba Material JFEA del Reglamento de la Junta)

Insurance Policy Póliza de Seguros
Hospital Admission Record Registro de Ingreso Hospitalario
State Census Record Registro del Censo de Estado
Baptismal Certificate or other Religious Record Certificado de Bautismo u otro Registro Religioso
Previous School Record Documentos de escuela previa
Current Vaccination Records Registro de Inmunización al día
Passport Pasaporte
Valid Driver’s License Licencia de conducir válida

Proof of Residence

  • Proof of Residence. Documentation that may be used to verify that the child’s physical residence is within the geographical boundaries of the school district includes:

Proof of Residence Documents

Documentos de Prueba de Residencia

Utility Bill (Electric, Gas, Water, Phone – Cell Phone Bill Not Acceptable)

Recibo de Utilidades (Electricidad, Gas, Agua, Teléfono - Recibo del Teléfono Celular No es Aceptable)

Real Property Rental Agreement or Purchase Agreement Contrato de alquiler o compra de Bienes Inmuebles
Insurance Bill (Automobil, Home, Health) Factura de Seguros (Automobil, Casa, Salud)
Local Property Tax Statement or Mortgage Documents Declaración de Impuestos a la Propiedad o Documentos de Hipoteca
Current New Mexico Motor Vehicle Registration with Physical Address (P.O.
Boxes Not Acceptable)

Registro Vehicular Vigente del Estado de Nuevo México con dirección física (Caja de Apartado Postal No es Aceptable)

Other Documents from City, County, State, Tribal or Federal Government
Organizations (attesting to the parent or guardian’s physical residence)
Otros documentos de la Ciudad , Condado, Estado , Tribal o de Organizaciones Gubernamentales Federales ( que conste de la residencia física de los padres o tutores)

Please click the link below for vaccination information:

Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener información sobre vacunas:

If you have any questions please contact the school and they will provide you with the phone number for the school nurse.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la escuela y le proporcionarán el número de teléfono de la enfermera de la escuela.